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Symfony 6. EasyAdmin! For an Awesomely Powerful Admin Area [symfonycasts]


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Symfony 6. EasyAdmin! For an Awesomely Powerful Admin Area

Официальные курсы от создателей Symfony symfonycasts.com/

Эта раздача содержит:
- EasyAdmin! For an Awesomely Powerful Admin Area

Первые уроки доступны бесплатно. Можно ознакомиться с ними, чтобы понять нужность этого курса

Описание курса:
So... your site needs an admin area. Do yourself a favor and skip all that custom code and jump straight into EasyAdmin bundle. Why #1? Because itll take you a fraction of the time to build what you need. Why #2? Because itll be even better than what you would build by hand, including built-in widgets for auto-completion and toggling boolean fields. Its... pretty sweet.

In this tutorial, well learn how to admin interfaces that are highly customized:

Install & Bootstrapping the bundle
Dashboards! CRUD controllers!
All about Fields
Customize everything: what properties to display, how they render, help messages, sorting, filters... and more!
Override templates... at many different levels
Take control of your forms
Handling security
Adding custom actions (and removing others)
Updating and configuring the menu (like adding a link to kitten videos!)
Hooking into events to do things before or after an entity is saved
Adding custom CSS/JS behaviors to the page with Webpack Encore
... and more
So lets do a little bit of work for a lotta bit results (note: lotta bit is a term I just made up).

Формат: видео-уроки с английскими субтитрами и текст урока на английском языке в формате PDF.

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